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Coding the curriculum: new computer science GCSE fails to make the grade


Despite computing schooling in U.K. schools undergoing a large revolution during the last few years to make it more relevant to our increasingly generation-driven lives, the brand new GCSE in laptop technology hasn’t appealed to a lot of interest from students. Figures from the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) show a small upward thrust in students taking the new computer science GCSE. Even though the course has been rebranded, the old GCSE in the information and communication era (ICT) has beeped.

When the decision to update the ICT GCSE with the best GCSE in computing was made in 2015, many teachers and researchers warned this might occur, given that ICT and laptop science are very distinctive subjects. Problems have also been raised regarding the brand-new route content and the fact that much emphasis has been placed on coding and programming—which many college students view as beside the point.

My ongoing studies interviewing pupils in year nine about the adjustments in the way computing and ICT are being taught have also proven this to be the case. Many of these scholars were frustrated rather than stimulated by the shift in the new curriculum. The British Computer Society has similarly warned that the number of scholars reading for a computing qualification should be by 2020 – which might be a catastrophe for the financial system.

computer science

Not applicable

Computer abilities are already essential to most jobs, and this may remain the case; however, what remains uncertain is what form of P.C. abilities these could be. Education coverage seems to offer the impact that it’s more essential to understand the way to an application a computer than the way to use one well. Then there may be the problem that what children, in reality, want to understand approximately – such things as cyber safety and the way to remove laptop viruses – isn’t surely blanketed in the new style route. So even as most kids fully know that the destiny international of labor would require excessive-stage laptop abilities, they do not see the hyperlink between being taught how to use the software in P.C. languages and what they’ll need in the future.

This confusion isn’t their fault and quite a fetus from the reality that instructors who formerly taught ICT must educate a few mixtures of P.C. programming, P.C. technology, computational thinking, and digital literacy, with little education or support. Each of those areas is considered important expertise in phrases of the “digital financial system”; however, this means that pupils receive lots of mixed messages on which bits they need to analyze.

In sensible phrases, this additionally means computing training is divided between a little time spent searching for ideas of how a P.C. works, a little time on computational theory—together with search and kind algorithms—and a lot of time learning to program.

Dull and frustrating

Computer programming is difficult. Like learning the violin or a 2d language, everyone can do it, but it takes a sizeable amount of willpower, time, and practice for most. The laptop technological know-how GCSE calls for students to be proficient programmers to achieve success. This has supposed instructors now have to spend a superb deal of time on programming in the 12 months intending GCSE to convey students up to the mark.

Often, this is accomplished through several tasks, which can be as boring as something in the old ICT curriculum. This leaves many students with the influence that P.C.’s technological know-how is programming – and that programming is a dull and frustrating operation of attempting to find where you forgot to place a semi-colon. As you may believe, this doesn’t encourage many pupils to choose computer technology as an option at GCSE.

From the scholar’s point of view, why would all and sundry who think they want to be a mechanic, a health practitioner, or an accountant want to spend any time writing applications in code – it simply doesn’t appear applicable to them. However, every one of those careers is being transformed via the virtual economic system, as is almost every career. Only supplying a single GCSE choice of P.C. technology fails to satisfy the desires of any scholar – besides those who have at least a few hobbies in becoming a laptop scientist.

To only provide P.C. science is like losing all the sciences except physics and being surprised when all those who had formerly taken biology didn’t simply, fortunately, go along with it. Ultimately, suppose we want to ensure British kids have the skills they want to succeed and are not left behind by a virtual financial system. In that case, there is a desire for a computing curriculum that covers various areas—not simply the way to software.

Pupils also need to spend more than one hour every week—the modern fashionable—gaining knowledge of computing before their GCSE years. If this doesn’t change, we risk the future of the U.S. A. by disenfranchising many younger people from computing-based careers. And if we want to encourage the next generation of computer scientists, this isn’t the proper way to go about it.


Geneva A. Crawford
Twitter nerd. Coffee junkie. Prone to fits of apathy. Professional beer geek. Spent several years buying and selling magma in Miami, FL. Spent a year lecturing about psoriasis in Las Vegas, NV. Managed a small team writing about circus clowns in Las Vegas, NV. Garnered an industry award while writing about lint in the financial sector. Spoke at an international conference about getting my feet wet with dust in Libya. Spoke at an international conference about researching rocking horses in Bethesda, MD.