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How Writers & Bloggers Can Make the Most of Markdown in WordPress


Markdown is a short and clean way to add formatting to a record. Most articles on SitePoint (such as this one) started lifestyles that way. In truth, all submissions have to be published in Markdown format. You can use Markdown for your very own blog or website. First, you must pick a perfect net host – like our preferred internet website hosting issue, SiteGround, in which you could even get WordPress pre-hooked. Now, you can fill your weblog with fine content material. Markdown promises to make the technique quicker and less complicated.

I use Markdown loads, and that use is increasing. There’s something about it that I revel in that makes writing simpler and faster—and somehow more satisfying. I write in it professionally using Ulysses, take notes using Bear, and even consider outlining Outline. It’s becoming a big part of my online existence, and I’m now not alone. Consider making it part of your workflow. What benefits does Markdown carry to writers and bloggers? How can it enhance your writing workflow? What should it do with WordPress? Read on to discover.

What Is Markdown?

Markdown isn’t always new. It was created using John Gruber’s manner and returned in 2004. Since then, it has genuinely caught on—it’s a key characteristic of many new apps and is utilized by default on Reddit, GitHub, StackOverflow, and several CMSs. It’s a layout for writing on the web. In fact, at its foundation, Markdown is a quicker, cleaner manner to create HTML. Well, it is no longer all HTML; however, its subset is commonly used while writing posts and articles.

Gruber introduces the idea with these words:

Markdown is a textual content-to-HTML conversion tool for net writers. Markdown allows you to write an easy-to-examine, easy-to-write simple text layout, then convert it to structurally legitimate XHTML (or HTML).
How Can Markdown Benefit Writers and Bloggers? Rather than using complicated (and ugly, hard-to-examine) markup language, Markdown uses punctuation characters to make writing (and reading) less difficult. It’s right for writers and editors and could make a positive distinction in your online writing. Here’s how.

Markdown makes writing for the internet faster. One thing writers love: When you write in Markdown, you should not flow fingers off the keyboard to feature formatting. Everything you want is proper underneath your fingers, and they can keep on flying. It requires much fewer keystrokes than HTML and is simpler to examine than HTML. And as it’s less complicated, there’s much less to interrupt—you received a lack of remaining tags or improperly fashioned HTML. They’re all desirable matters. Your writing could be quicker and much less distracting.

Markdown makes studying content material less difficult. The easy-to-examine content material is amazing for writers and editors alike. I edited HTML articles for years. The content within the code can get lost. However, you do get used to it. Markdown is a good deal better. That’s its reason—it’s designed to make formatted web documents less complicated to examine.

John Gruber explains:


Markdown is intended to be as clean-to-examine and smooth-to-write as is feasible. Readability, but is emphasized specifically else. To this cease, Markdown’s syntax comprises punctuation characters cautiously selected for you to seem like what they suggest. E.G. asterisks around a word sincerely appears like *emphasis*. Markdown lists seem like, properly, lists. Even blockquotes seem like quoted text passages, assuming you’ve used email. Compare the HTML and Markdown below to see what I imply.

<h2>This Is a Second-Level Heading</h2>

<p>Here is a paragraph with <strong>bold</strong> and <em>italic</em> textual content.</p>

<p>And here is an ordered list:</p>

<li>First item</li>
<li>Second object</li>
<li>Third item</li>
##This Is a Second-Level Heading

Here is a paragraph with **ambitious** and *italic* textual content.

Here is an ordered list:

1. First item
2. Second object
3. Third item

Markdown improves the writing workflow.

Writers have to separate form and content. In other words, you shouldn’t be worried about the final appearance of your content material at the same time as you’re nevertheless crunching out phrases. One thing at a time is nice to practice. Markdown’s easy syntax allows for this. Lists, block charges, and emphasis almost write themselves, and you don’t get distracted from the assignment. Markdown lets you apply undeniable text, which is the most flexible document layout. You can choose from a wide range of writing software, and Markdown’s simplicity permits all forms of automation and scripting opportunities.

Markdown is portable and future evidence.

When you write in Markdown, your files are mechanically pass-platform. You can find reproductions from one app and paste them into another, regardless of the operating system or platform. There isn’t any lock-in, and you can convert Markdown to pretty much any layout you want. And it’s future evidence. Unlike your Word or Pages report, you’ll, in all likelihood, be capable of opening undeniable text in a decade or a century. It’s no longer a proprietary document format, so it will be discontinued or be up to date until it’s unrecognizable.

Writing in Markdown

Don’t write immediately into WordPress in your browser—it’s too easy to lose your paintings. But don’t paste both texts from Microsoft Word—it’s not pretty right now. Markdown apps are different. They’re a delight to write in, and because they’re designed for writing for the net, they paint properly with WordPress. Here is a listing of a number of the primary Markdown writing apps for diverse platforms. It’s now not an exhaustive listing, so if we neglected your preference, let us know in the remark section underneath.


Stacked.Io, SitePoint’s recommendation. It helps offline mode, collaboration with feedback, and integrated spell-checking. It syncs with Google Drive and Dropbox and is free. Dillinger (free), also encouraged by SitePoint, is “a cloud-enabled, mobile-geared up, offline-storage, AngularJS powered HTML5 Markdown editor”. You can import and shop documents to/from GitHub, Dropbox, Google Drive, and One Drive.

Geneva A. Crawford
Twitter nerd. Coffee junkie. Prone to fits of apathy. Professional beer geek. Spent several years buying and selling magma in Miami, FL. Spent a year lecturing about psoriasis in Las Vegas, NV. Managed a small team writing about circus clowns in Las Vegas, NV. Garnered an industry award while writing about lint in the financial sector. Spoke at an international conference about getting my feet wet with dust in Libya. Spoke at an international conference about researching rocking horses in Bethesda, MD.