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Is It Advisable To Opt For A Minimalistic House For Couples Just Married?


A wedding day is the most significant event of a couple’s life and cannot be compromised at any cost. Even so, wedding planning can be incredibly time-consuming. As newlyweds prepare for their big day, they often forget what happens afterward, especially how they manage their finances.

Couples don’t discuss moving in together or their future living situation, so they end up with extra silverware, appliances, or furniture. Ideally, before getting married, couples should discuss the XYZs of how and where they will move in together and, most importantly, how they plan to finance the move (by themselves or through a home loan) and maintain their interior space.

Minimalistic House

These days, many newlyweds are embracing a minimalist lifestyle. The minimalist way of living means living with fewer, albeit more intelligent, possessions, which helps to simplify one’s life and focus on experiences instead. Minimalism helps enhance the quality of life and avoid clutter-related stress and anxiety. Couples who adopt such a lifestyle genuinely feel the benefits of logistics, finances, and emotional well-being.

If you’re excited about owning a minimalist home, then it’s time to understand why it’s important and whether you’re going to opt for a home loan to finance it –

A study found that many people are unhappy and unhealthy because their homes are messy or overcrowded with furniture and random objects. Thus, people embrace minimalist furniture and keep their homes simple, resulting in greater satisfaction and health than traditional decor, where every inch is occupied.

  • Better control of finances

Newlyweds must have finances under control when moving into a new house, particularly if they have taken a home loan. While home loan interest rates are affordable, missing an EMI can hurt the credit score. Predetermining the EMI can also be done on the lender’s website using the home loan EMI calculator.

Rather than collecting a lot of stuff, a minimalist often chooses a few essential items enjoyed and used. This helps them avoid spending money on unnecessary things and save more.

  • Adds aesthetic appeal and luxury to your home

In minimalism, comfort is paramount, whether in a minimalist living room with a few seats or a minimalist balcony with a bench. Modern minimalism portrays luxury and improves a home’s aesthetics.

  • Keeping things minimal and minimizing maintenance.

With a minimalist interior design, cleaning and dusting every piece of furniture is drastically reduced. Minimal components require little upkeep. If damaged, more furniture than needed can cause more stress to clean or maintain each unit.

  • Simpler but has more functionality

Ideal minimalist decor for a home doesn’t mean only having one unit. It means considering a purchase and its functionality.

  • Expression of liberation through large spaces

The main reason minimalism is so popular is the abundance of free space left behind. Any additional changes made to the white space due to the minimalist decor theme house are instantly noticeable.


With houses becoming smaller and smaller, creative space becomes increasingly critical for comfortable living.

The simplicity and elegance of this style will make it easy for you to take full advantage of your small space. Furthermore, you save a lot of money over the long run, thehe money you would have otherwise spent on items you will probably discard. Hence, you can’t just write off minimalism as a design fad! It will remain popular for years since it’s a sustainable way of life.

Adopting a minimalistic approach will be a win-win if you plan to move into a new home. Additionally, you would not have to worry about incurring upfront costs if you opt for a home loan.

Geneva A. Crawford
Twitter nerd. Coffee junkie. Prone to fits of apathy. Professional beer geek. Spent several years buying and selling magma in Miami, FL. Spent a year lecturing about psoriasis in Las Vegas, NV. Managed a small team writing about circus clowns in Las Vegas, NV. Garnered an industry award while writing about lint in the financial sector. Spoke at an international conference about getting my feet wet with dust in Libya. Spoke at an international conference about researching rocking horses in Bethesda, MD.