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Everything You Need to Know About HACCP Certification


Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) is a systematic preventive approach to food safety. It applies science-based, preventative measures to food production to reduce the risk of hazards that could impact public health.

A HACCP plan works by identifying possible sources of contamination, assessing risk levels, and developing a plan for each hazard. The final result of all this precautionary work is a series of scientific tests designed to prove the safety of your product.

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What is HACCP Certification?

This is the issuance of an internationally recognized document to certify that your product conforms to the highest safety, quality, and sanitation standards set by independent government agencies.

HACCP certification protects consumers against spurious claims about your product’s safety or quality. It also demonstrates that you adhere to strict guidelines established by established commercial organizations.

What is the HACCP system?

HACCP is a risk-based management system and process for identifying and controlling hazards to ensure food safety.

The HACCP system consists of seven principles:

1) Conduct a hazard analysis – Identify current and potential hazards that could affect food safety

2) Implement measures to control the identified hazards, including monitoring, documentation, and corrective actions.

3) Establish critical limits – These are maxims that specify conditions under which hazards are controlled

4) Establish monitoring procedures – These are the steps taken to make sure compliance is achieved with all aspects of the HACCP plan

5) Establish corrective actions – These are steps to be taken when deviations occur in food control systems

6) Establish verification procedures—To ensure the plan’s success, you must keep records of all hazard analysis activities and outcomes.

7) Establish record-keeping procedures – Records of every step in the process must be kept

Why is it Important?

The primary benefits of HACCP are food safety, increased productivity, and improved profitability. Product liability insurance is an additional benefit due to the reduction in risk of product contamination and consumer confidence that your products meet established standards for quality and safety. HACCP also saves money on waste control because you know what ingredients or inputs can cause contamination.

HACCP certification has become an effective tool for commercial companies to ensure their products comply with global standards. The food industry has the lowest number of incidents compared to other sectors, but it is also one of the most expensive due to product recalls, lawsuits, and loss of income.

The HACCP system reduces this risk by building consumer trust, which helps build brand loyalty. It also reduces the marketing costs for companies already implementing HACCP systems into their manufacturing process.

HACCP Certification is a way to certify that your facility follows quality and sanitation guidelines. The certification allows others to verify what they are consuming. It will help you avoid safety concerns as the food industry is transparent with its production methods.

HACCP is a technique for eliminating food safety risk factors in the production process and ensuring that the food produced will not be compromised by contamination or spoilage.

Steps to Take After HACCP Certification

1) Review the plan regularly – Make sure everything is still up to standards

2) Maintain documentation of all changes made – They should be recorded so that you can always have access to it if there’s a problem

3) Consider future scenarios – Ask yourself if your plan is flexible enough to adapt to new problems. If not, it might be time for another round of HACCP certification.

What Does HACCP Certification Cost?

HACCP certification costs vary according to the type and size of the company applying for certification. Some companies have completed certification fees to other businesses for HACCP audits and training. Their prices are online at websites like Global Food Safety Resource, which advertises $3,500 for an onsite audit and $1,000 per day for food safety training.


HACCP certification is a way to help ensure food safety for your company and the public. HACCP systems are a popular way to fulfill requirements set forth by the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2011, which puts stricter regulations on companies that handle food. Such laws include mandatory employee training, preventive controls, and hazard analysis procedures. While HACCP certification can be costly, it also has the potential to make your business more profitable. HACCP certification can reduce costs through improved efficiencies (i.e., few product recalls) and lower insurance rates, which help companies save money in the long run.

Geneva A. Crawford
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